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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  December 4, 2013 5:00am-6:01am PST

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the south bay. the struggle a bus driver saw at a bus station that made him call police. state republicans have their own health care responsibility. the backlash over a fake website. all ahead on ktvu channel 2 morning news. and good morning. you are taking a live look at a neighborhood until san jose where firefighters are still on the scene of a mobile home fire. the fire started about three hours ago. it is now out but the search for the owner of that home continues at this hour. ktvu katie utehs is live on the scene and she will have an update for us in a few minutes. good morning and welcome to the morning news. it is wednesday, december 4th i'm claudine wong in for pam cook. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic.
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everything cool? >> its cold. walnut creek is 29. officer todd clark also says steve 29 here. 29 napa. 28 novato. 32 half-moon bay. mountain view says that is at moffett. we cohave a freeze warning for the north bay. now tonight into tomorrow then everyone will be in on this freeze warning because the colder temps will settle in, any breeze will decrease. expect for a few clouds off the coast. we will have clear skies today. as you know, the nights are much longer. our system is long gone it has pushed into the four corners. severe and clear. cold air continues to filter in here. it will be here for about five days. maybe some changes as we head to friday and saturday. cold morning, sunny. 20s north bay and maybe in your
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backyard thermometer as well. here is sal. steve, good morning. we are looking at traffic out there that is still doing pretty well. it is cold but the roads are doing okay. let's take a look at what we have now with the morning commute. and you can see the traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza looks pretty good. no major problems. also the morning drive is moving along nicely if you are driving on the san mateo bridge. the traffic here is moving well. already getting a little bit of slow traffic. not a lot, but a little bit here in antioch. highway 4 through the construction zone. if you are driving through there, you will see a little bit of slow traffic. the rest of the commute here in contra costa county looks pretty good. let's go back to the desk. sal, thank you. we are starting with developing news from the south bay. san jose fire investigators are try to locate an elderly man after a fire destroyed his mobile home. this started around 2:00 a.m. on monterey road. katie utehs is right there.
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what is the latest on the search? >> reporter: within the last half hour fire investigators have combed through 80% of that mobile home unit. they tell me they believe the man was knot home at the time of the fire. we do have new photos to show you of the fire taken by the san jose fire department as crews arrive shortly after 2:00 this morning. they found the unit at a mobile home park along san jose. i'm told the man whollied here is in his 70s and he was last seen yesterday by a neighbor that helped the man jump start his car. >> we're trying to make contact, unfortunately no one around here has contact information. we are still in the process trying to track that down. the good thing tonight is because of the proximity of the other units, we were able to keep it confined. >> reporter: investigators are still in the early stages of determining what started this fire. pg&e has shut off the power to
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the unit at this point. a neighbor i spoke with told me the elder man's daughter may have lived there for awhile but he believes she moved out a month ago. so now the search continues to locate that man who owns the mobile home. katie utehs ktvu channel 2 news. happening now many people across the bay area waking up to freezing temperatures. tara moriarty is live for us in walnut creek with more on how cold it is and how long this freeze warning may last. tara. >> reporter: it is freezing. that is what i will tell you. it is definitely freezing. steve says its 29 degrees and i believe him because it is cold. check out the frost on this windshield here. very, very chilly. although it is chilly here the coldest spots will be in the north and south bays. the freeze warning in effect for the north bay. forestville has dipped below freezing. it will be cold in the south bay. not as cold as the north bay.
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in petaluma there was a run on frost blankets to protect outdoor plants. >> its cold. >> reporter: what do you think of this time of year? >> i like it. i'm ready for it when it comes. then i'm ready for spring and then summer. >> reporter: you've got your gloves on. >> yeah. >> reporter: in santa rosa there was an early line last night at the redwood gospel mission for a hot meal and warm place to sleep. there are an estimated 1,000 homeless people in santa rosa alone. could there be snow? find out coming up in our next half hour. tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. church groups in the south bay will be handing out blankets to the homeless tonight. over night temperatures may drop into the 30s. starting at 5:30 tonight the emergency blanket giveaway will take place in a parking lot across from happy hallow park in san jose. more than 7600 people are
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living on the streets in santa clara county. time is 5:05. freezing temperatures can also hurt bay area plants. citrus, avocados, and sibilants. especially vulnerable to frost. the leaves can shrivel up and turn black. plants should be taken indoors if they can or cover them up with a blanket or sheet. and you should water your plants thoroughly because the wet soil holds in the heat better. they are using wind machines to blow warm air on trees and watering the soil quite a bit. only 15% of this year's citrus crop has been harvested. steve paulson is all over this. he will be watching the temperatures all morning to get you ready. you can also go to and get an hour by hour forecast for the area where you live. just look for the weather section at the top of our home
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page. police in milpitas are searching for a woman who may have been kidnapped. around 6:00 last night an ac transit bus pulled up to a stop at the 500 block of east calveras boulevard. a bus driver saw a man approach a woman that was sitting on the bench. the two struggled until the man took the woman away. >> she was sitting at the bus stop when she was approached by a male. we don't know the relationship between the two of them was. >> a search turned up nothing but investigators spent the night looking at video taken by a witness aboard that bus. they describe the woman and man as asian and in their 20s and 40s. in this next half hour we will have a live report from you from milpitas. a san ho ainvestigation goes on into the death of a bicyclist killed after being hit by a car last night. this happened about -- [ inaudible ] the driver of the
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car did stay at the scene and is cooperating with police. this was san jose's 25th fatality of the year involving a pedestrian or a bicyclist. a new mow in menlo park to protect bike riders from being harassed by drivers. the proposed ordnance will give bike riders and other victims of road rage more access resource in court. it would also protect more vol herbal people on -- vulnerable people on the road like children and elderly people. george shirakawa is due in court today in connection with alleged campaign mail fraud. he was sentenced to a year in jail for misusing public money. this afternoon he will face an additional felony count. he is accused of sending illegal mailers to discredit magna lay that when she ran for san jose city council in 2010.
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rematch will take place in the june primary. [ inaudible ] the illegal campaign mailers will sent to those of vietnamese community and made her look like a communist. he is due to start speak at 8:15 this morning. ktvu will provide coverage. also this morning california republicans are defending a website that criticizes the new health care law. >> democrats say taxpayer money should not have been used to
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create the site. it looks too much like the real website for the state's health care exchanges and could prevent users from signing up. the gop site has links to medial coverage detailing problems with the law. two runners from kenya will participate in their first competition this sunday thanks to the kindness of a complete stranger. through a new organization he started through kenya. davis says he was inspired by the elite runners that come from a small town with no running water or electricity. they will be running in the california marathon this sunday. but first they are going to be treated to a shopping spree in san francisco later today. >> san francisco the people are really friendly. people are really welcoming. >> davis says he found the two men on facebook after reading about their story in a book. they are going to fly back to
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kenya on december 12th. time now 5:10. more bad news for san francisco city college. the big hit it could take months before it may be forced to shut down. a judge has made the decision on the immigration status of a relative of president obama. why many legal experts say the decision was completely by the book. good morning. traffic is doing pretty well if you are driving through on westbound 24. you can see traffic continues to look good all the way through the tunnel. we will tell you where the traffic is slowing down now. its a layers kind of day. you might want to have multiple layers. how cold will it get? and are we looking at low snow levels? i'll have the details coming up.
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i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive.
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and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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welcome back to the morning news. i want to give you a live look at the this picture from homestead, florida. what you are looking at in the water right now is about 30 pilot whales. they are stranded. this is near the florida bay near the everglades. now they are not sure if they can help these whales. they are going to try to launch a rescue mission sometime this morning. they do know that some of those whales have already died and they are going to do what they can to save the rest. time is 5:14. 911 calls made during the sandy hook elementary school shoot
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willing be released later today. a state attorney tried to block the release of those calls to protect the families from anymore pain. last week a judge upheld a decision to make the calls public. last december a gunman shot and killed 20 children and six adults. no comment from the white house after a massachusetts judge ruled on the immigration status of president obama's uncle. the uncle made no comment either. he was facing possible deportation to kenya. but the court ruled he will be allowed to stay in the u.s. even though he lived for almost 50 years illegally here in the u.s.. his record shows he arrived in this country on a student visa in 1963 and never left. despite being ordered back home to kenya in 1991. he came to public attention when he was arrested for drunk driving in 2011. >> i think this arrest in the long run is good for him. he got to stay with a green
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card and become a citizen and retire in america. >> legal experts say the judge appeared to rule on this case strictly by the book. u.s. immigration policy allows immigrants to become permanent residents if they came to this country before 1972 and they are of good moral character. new this morning vice president joe biden is now in china. its the second stop of his week long trip to asia. you are looking at video of the vice president there arriving in beijing. he met today with china's president. so far neither have made any public comments about a new chinese air defense zone. that has become a major point of friction in asia. there is new information about the 85-year-old palo alto man that has been detained for more than a month in north korea. the san jose mercury news says he led a unit of gorilla fighters that inflicted heavy casualties on communist fighters.
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he reached out to a group before his trip and planned to meet them. and there is word this morning that former basketball star dennis rodman is heading back to north korea. rodman will make his third visit to the country on december 18th to help train the north korean basketball team for an exhibition team against former nba players in january. on his last trip in february he watched a basketball game sitting next to the north korean leader kim jong un. the golden stator war -- state warriors won. and it was one of the greatest comebacks in history. steph curry just went crazy. he completed the miracle comeback with that three pointer. the warriors beat the raptors 112-103 which was amazing because the warriors were down 27 points in the third quarter.
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it was the seventh biggest comeback in nba history. >> you know what, i have a confession to make. i went to sleep when they were down. and i was kind of sad and i had no idea. i should have just stayed up. sal, it would have been worth it to stay up. who needs to sleep? got to watch the warriors. >> never in doubt, claudine. never. i thought they were going to lose too but i stayed up to watch it because it ended up getting hot. and it was the raptors after all. nonoffense. let's take a look at the commute now 80 westbound as we head up. i was just thinking about the tweets we saw last night. but we will move on. bay bridge looks good. there are no major problems getting on the bridge. 237 looks good. we are watching it for you. this is a time when things can go from looking good to all of a sudden looking bad. this is what we are looking at. this is a look at the walnut creek area. i do all kinds of stuff.
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so let me clean up my drawing here. there you go. the traffic is already slow as you drive on highway 4. you can see it. we will circle it for you there. there is a spot in the bay area where it is beginning to slow down and it will get a little longer before the morning wares on. let's go to steve. >> speaking of looking good. sal. >> steve. its clear and cold out there. cold. lots of sunshine today. tomorrow morning will be colder. what? yeah. increasing clouds friday. it looks like into friday night and early saturday. snow levels down to 1,000 feet. we will ease into that. near wood side 28 degrees. there is a bunch of 20s up in the santa cruz mountains.
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pacifica 33. half-moon bay is 32. that is cold. 28 in walnut creek. upper 20s napa. there is still a breeze in parts of the napa valley. 37 hayward. freeze warning in the north bay valley down to the sow lyonnais valley -- city lyonnais valley. over all it looks sunny top to bottom here. san diego six now. 18 in reno. 28 in ukiah. there are chilly temperatures all over the place here. once we get cranked up even though the days are not long, we will get upper 40s to low top mid 50s. lots of sunshine for me. 20s north bay. santa cruz mountains sunny and cool. highs today 40s to 50s.
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some of these will be very soft. extended outlook does have a cold night tonight. and increasing clouds friday afternoon evening and then late friday into saturday maybe some very low snow levels. another cold one on sunday. keep an eye on tesla stock today. that is after shares in the electric car maker jumped 16.5% in yesterday's trading. that move came after they concluded the model s sedan is safe despite three car fires. two in the u.s. for cars when they hit degree bereave in the roadway. and a third one when they hit a tree in mexico. let's take a look at other markets closed yesterday. nasdaq eight points. s & p almost six points. and it looks like futures are holding strong. we are expecting a lot of economic data coming in including a report on the labor
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market also expected. it looks like futures are holding steady for now. we will certainly keep an eye on those markets when they open in an hour. it is one of the biggest projects in san francisco. why the construction may come to a stop soon if some residents get their way. and a major airline called for a foul. why it canceled a flight and bumped some 50 passengers. [son] all right,she has no idea.
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[man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams]
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time now is 5:24. two sky gliders collide in midair in phoenix, arizona. they were 200 feet in the air when they collided. their parachutes collapsed. one sky diver died at the scene, the other one at the hospital. the tsa is opening offices where you can register for the precheck in program. that allows you to have your own line at airport check points. you also wouldn't have to take off your shoes or coats or take out laptops or liquids from your luggage. it costs about $85 to enroll for five years. you needs your photo taken and fingerprints taken so sites will be opening soon in new york and last angeles. delta airlines is coming under fire for bumping regular passengers off a plane for a college basketball team. on sunday a maintenance issue grounded the charter plane
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carrying the florida gators to connecticut. delta canceled a commercial flight and gave the players that plane. some 50 passengers on the commercial flight had to make alternate plans. the one traveler rebooked on a later plight which caused the person to miss a funeral. >> i don't think a team of any kind now the president maybe but not a basketball or baseball or football team, no. >> delta is apologizing and giving vouchers for future trips to passengers. incidentally it lost a trip to the florida basketball team it lost to connecticut on a buzzer beater 65-64. time is 5:26. san francisco international airport is helping to take some of the stress out of flying. look at that face. sfo welcoming the wag brigade. its a joint effort between the airport and san francisco spca.
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every day handlers will walk through the terminals with trained dogs wearing vests that say pet me. its written all over them. ktvu is proud to be teaming up with the red cross to help the victims of typhoon haiyan. with the help of our partiers ktvu will -- if you want to help out just go to and look for the information on our home page. the results of an autopsy on actor paul walker expected to today. police say they may provide the final answer on one very critical detail. we're live in san jose where a mobile home fire is out but the search continues for the man who lived there. i will update you on the investigation. good morning. traffic is busy already in the east bay and you can see here on highway 4 we are seeing busy traffic but its not stop and go just yet. a nice tweet from melissa.
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she said my heater has been hicking on all night i'm -- kicking on all night i'm afraid to go out. use chase freedom at and get 5% cash back this quarter. so you can find the perfect gift for everyone. including you. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can.
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and why can you move the tv out here?
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the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. time now 5:30. good morning. welcome back to ktvu channel 2 morning news. these are live pictures. you see that fire truck backing. they are at a mobile home park in san jose. just a couple hours ago
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firefighters responded to a huge fire there. the fire is out but they are still searching for the homeowner. it is wednesday, december 4th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm claudine wong in for pam cook. your time is 5:30. we want to head on over to steve paulson. its cold. >> it is. where? woodside 28. pleasant hill 29. there are a ton of 20s in the santa cruz mountains also up in the north bay and pacifica brandon says wax up your skis. 32 here in pacifica. mountain view this is at moffett you go across 101 and sunnyvale town its 32. 28 walnut creek. freeze warnings out for the north bay. its not so much this morning i mean its cold but tonight and tomorrow will be colder. everybody will be in on this freeze warning party expect san
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francisco. temperature i think 42. our observer mike says the breeze kicked in and went back up to 43. there will be some very cold temperatures. golden gate park tonight and tomorrow. we have clear skies. it will be sunny today and temperatures today they will be in the 50s or a few upper 40s in some of the higher elevations. overall look far lot of 50s today. that is it and maybe colder tomorrow on some of the highs. 20s all over the place but mainly north bay and santa cruz mountains. temperatures low to mid 50s probably about at best. here is sal. good morning. traffic is moving along relatively well. there are no major problems out there. however, it is getting a little busier as time wears on and gets closer to 6:00. bay bridge toll plaza not all that bad. also the morning commute looks good on 237 as you drive through there. there are no major problems on 237 as you drive over there. let's talk about the peninsula and southbound 101 and 280 are doing very well approaching 92
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and heading down. let's go back to the desk. we are following developing news from the south bay. san jose firefighters are trying to find the elderly man who lived in a mobile home destroyed by fire early this morning. calls for help came in around 2:00 this morning as flames and smoke could be seen from 101. ktvu katie utehs is live with an update from the scene. >> reporter: fire crews are working to clear the scene this morning. about an hour ago they searched this mobile home behind me. as you can see it is completely gutted. they did determine nobody was inside at the time of the fire. let me show you pictures taken by the san jose fire department as they arrived shortly after 2:00 this morning. the unit is located at the mobile home park along montgomery road in san jose. they moved to a defensive action as they tried to keep the fire away from other units. they are still looking for the elderly man that lived here who
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says that he was not home at the time of the fire. >> its really too early to say. we do have a fire cause investigator that just got on scene. he will take a look around. >> reporter: bespoke with a neighbor who says he helped the elderly man jump start his car yesterday so he could go to work. that may be the last time anyone saw the homeowner. firefighters do say they see an increase in chimney fires and fires caused by space heaters. at this point it is too early to determine the cause of the fire. pg&e has turned off the power to the unit and the search continues for that elderly man who lives here. katie utehs ktvu channel 2 news. happening now its cold this morning. freezing in many parts of the bay area. a freeze warning in effect in the north bay until tomorrow morning. temperatures there dropped into the 20s over night. it was colder there the north bay then it was in new york city, chicago, even detroit.
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the cold temperatures could be a danger to crops and make pipes burst. the freezing temperatures also are a danger to the homeless as you can imagine. all 80 beds at redwood gospel mission were used taken up over night. many people slept on mattresses on the floor. if you are heading to the sierra this weekend, make sure you have chains on your tires. winter storm watch is in effect on saturday that could drop a foot of snow. right now chains are not required on highway 80. several of the ski resorts including boar real, heavenly, and snort -- and north star are open. sugar bowl may open this weekend. >> you know winter is just starting. we are hoping to open friday. it is all tentative. >> if you are heading to tahoe, mechanics say check your tires. check the battery.
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steve paulson will watch the temperatures for you and the weather all morning. and get you ready for this day. you can also go to where you will find an hour by hour forecast for the area where you live. just look for the weather section at the top of our home page. there are still no signs of a woman seen pulled away by a man from a bus stop in milpitas. investigators are not sure if it was an actual abduction. janine de la vega is live for us. janine. >> reporter: claudine i just spoke to the sergeant who saw the surveillance video and shows the struggle between the man and woman. now he couldn't get into any specifics but he did say we can't make out our faces. what we do know a woman was sitting here at this bus stop when she was taken away. police spent last night reviewing surveillance video
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taken from an ac transit camera shows the incident. officers say a bus driver saw  an asian man between 20-40 years old. chp helicopter searched the area. paying particular attention to the creek but nobody was found. as far as where this investigation is going into this morning, we joined by sergeant john torres with mil 'it is police. you are still treating this very, very seriously as a possible kidnapping. why is that? >> until we determine what occurred, we are treating the incident seriously and if we determine at that time that it is not as serious as we first thought it would be, then that is fine. we would rather air on the side of caution and use the
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available resources. >> what is the challenge right now? where does the investigation go right now as far as any tips, leads. >> the challenge for us we do not have any additional witnesses other than the bus drive that called. we still have not heard from the persons that were involved in the incident. >> okay today you may be releasing the video? >> there is a possibility we will release that video. that will be determined at a later time today. >> okay, thank you so much sergeant torres. >> reporter: again they are still treating this as a possible worse case scenario because we really don't know and they will be reaching out to various police departments to see if nay have any missing persons case. reporting live from milpitas janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. later this morning the search for a san jose pilot and his family is scheduled to resume in the rugged idaho wilderness. on sunday dale smith was flying their plane with their two children and spouses when that
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plane went missing over a rural part of central idaho. air traffic controllers say smith reported engine trouble during a flight from oregon to montana. >> he uses that airplane to transfer doctors and dentists around to mexico. yesterday they detected a signal from the planes transponder but haven't been able to pinpoint it. a family in pleasanton wants your help to find a 13- year-old girl who walked out of their home early sunday morning. they are concerned because she is so young she is in the eighth grade and she was also seen last time with three males. investigators say a tip they got last night from a friend of anna liz rashes are.
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here is another look at anna. she is 5'5" tall weighs about 130 pounds. she has black hair, brown eyes. she was last seen getting into a four-door coop. the car a newer model dark brown car. if you have any information call pleasanton police. happening today an arraignment is scheduled for a san francisco man suspected of killing a person over a video game system. 21-year-old suspect collins is accused of shooting to death 22- year-old ken that lasa on sunday preponderance the victim posted an online ad selling a play station four consul for $600. the autopsy on actor paul walker is complete and the results are expected sometime today. walker and his close friend died in a firey car crash on
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saturday afternoon. the families of both men have provided dental records. police say that will help identify the bodies and provide the official word on who was driving. walkers publicist says he was the passenger. san francisco city college has battled to keep its accreditation is hurting enrollment. the examiner reports full-time enrollment is down 26% compared to last year. officials say new rules requiring students to pay tuition owed from previous semesters may also be effecting enrollment. frank city college may -- san francisco city college may be asked to close next july. a bart contract dispute is moving to the courtroom. >> bart has never offered us to negotiate over this supposed mistake. >> what union leaders won't rule out as they sue the bart board. plus the latest project for the new bay bridge. why you may soon be seeing the bridge in a whole new light.
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good morning. right now we are looking at the commute and its getting busier around the bay. you can see 680 southbound is looking okay here on the sunol grade. but other places are getting slower. i will tell you where. if you think it is cold here, it is zero up in truckee and six in tahoe. we have 20s here. i will tell you where they are and how long they will last and maybe low snow levels for friday night and saturday. good morning nelly! woah.
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hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet.
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time is 5:44. human error may be well to blame for last sunday's deadly train derailment in new york. the train engineer william rockefeller told union officials he lost focus and was in a daze seconds before the crash. that train derailed after hitting a curve at 82 miles an hour. that is three times the speed
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limit. several people were killed. many others were hurt. investigators have eliminated any type of mechanical failure as a cause. now they are looking at the crew. >> it was a shock to him. he was stunned. he went to try to correct it as fast as he could. >> he told investigators he slammed on the brakes just five seconds before the train jumped the rails killing four people and injuring dozens. the train workers have been tested now and they have been tested -- the results are negative for alcohol use. the result of drug tests are still pending. the dispute over the new bart contract is heading to court. they have filed a lawsuit to the transit agency. bart's board of directors broke state law when it approved a contract without any key provisions. they say the board was legally
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obligated. one legal expert says its hard to find a case quite like this legal battle at bart. >> there is no question that the filing of a lawsuit sort of ups the anti in terms of tension. the fact there is no lawful impediment. >> the unions not recalling out -- not ruling out the possibility of going to strike again. they want construction stopped until the holidays are over. they say this project is causing a lot of noise and traffic backups in their neighborhoods. they say that is hurting business at restaurants and shops at a critical time of the year. cal trans getting ready to show off the new lights on the tower of the new bay bridge.
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cal tran has already installed thousands of special led lights on the eastern span 200 cables. the next step is to light up the bridges signature 525-foot tower. they are hoping to put on the new lights by the end of this month. this lighting system was designed by the same team that it will up the white house also yankee stadium, even the statue of liberty. 5:46. let's head out to sal castaneda to see if this wednesday is treating us well. sal. >> yeah so far so good claudine and dave. we are not experiencing a lot of big delays. we do have traffic that is doing pretty well. let's start off in the south bay this time around. i wanted to show you 280 northbound right through downtown san jose temperature it is looking pretty good. there are no major problems throughout the area. i haven't seen anything from the san jose area chp pop up here. there are more car there is.
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but still not stop and go. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, the traffic is okay there. now there are no major problems getting out to the san mateo bridge and over the to the peninsula. now let's go to steve. >> sal, thank you. a very good cold morning if for most. a little breezy from altamont pass. most locations don't have much of a breeze. but there are a few locations that do it is cold. it will be sunny and chilly. we will be sitting chilly today. and tonight temperatures will drop fast. i mean really fast by tonight into tomorrow. tomorrow looks to be the coldest morning. in fact, its so cold i thought my graphic thing was stuck there. pacifica and half-moon bay 32. 28 in walnut creek. 37 in livermore. if there is any breeze in fairfield you are held up in the 40s. 29 napa and santa rosa.
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there is the 32 at half-moon bay. for a few there are pockets where its a little breezy. clear skies it will be sunny today. six in tahoe. zero up in truckee. s -- zero up in truckee. a cold morning it will billion sunny today. a little breezy at times through the afternoon. favor the east bay it seems like so far. upper 40s, low 50s here. again some of the 52, 53s they will be there for a minute and a half. and we will start to back off. cold tonight and tomorrow. colder tomorrow morning by the way. high temperatures struggling to get in the upper 40s and low
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50s. increasing clouds friday afternoon. it looks like rain late friday into early saturday. with the cold air in place there could be very low snow levels. we will tackle that on friday and clearing and cold again on sunday. black friday and cyber monday are sending mixed messages about this year's holiday spending patterns. according to the national retail federation american shoppers have finished about 32% of all their gift buying. that is slightly higher than average. in store shopping was down from last year but hey online spending that was up sharply. experts say there is not much of a connection between early spending patterns and how much money is spent throughout the entire holiday season. apple shares will open trading today above the $566. the highest this year. investors are encouraged that apple is about to sign a deal with china's largest wireless carrier. they have more than 700 million subscribers which would be key to increasing the customer base in asia.
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the refreshed ipad and iphone are considered among the top holiday gifts this year. a congress department announced the trade deficit dropped to 5.4% in october. the u.s. exported more soy beans, collectibles, and petroleum. the trade gap stands at 40.6 billion which is down only slightly from this time last year. a plan to blow out the lights on electronic cigarettes. new actions taken against smoking in one bay area city but why the fight over the controversial cigarettes is not over yet. plus santa is going to get some extra security when he flies to the skies christmas eve delivering presents. the surprising changes coming to norad. ♪
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♪ looks like you started to make something. ♪ oh, a green! ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] cheerios.
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with flavors your heart will love. welcome back. time is 5:54. treasure island residents are forced to move out of their homes for a cleanup of taxic chemical -- toxic chemicals. 24 homes recently sheafed notices. they will have to move out. the navy will clean up toxic material under ground as well as ground water contaminated with arsenic. last night a lot of the effected residents went to this meeting with the islands' development authority. officials told them their health is not at risk but not
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everyone is convinced. >> they have not really done any sort of survey of island residents to say hey, are we seeing anymore incidents of health issues on the island? >> treasure island officials say residents could be asked to move between next april and july. those that have been on the island, lived on the island the longest, they will get the first shot at choosing from available housing on the island to move to. southern california woman is now in court. she is fighting what is believed to be the first traffic ticket tied to the new google glass. in october the woman pulled the woman over the chp pulled the woman over for speeding on a san diego freeway. police then found out she was wearing google glass. a high-technology device you wear like glasses. the chp officer added a distracted driving citation to her ticket. but she claims her georgia glass was -- google glass was not turned on.
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>> its on like the device is physically on, but its not active. if i do either this or this, then you can see the screen light up a little bit. >> she is one of the first people in the nation to test the google glass which by the way won't be in stores until next year. so her traffic court fight could prove to be a test case for the future. glance san francisco man says he is more than grateful for a very generous tip he received from a person carrying out acts of kindness across the country. andy was recently given a $1500 tip on a $468 check at harris' restaurant. he says he didn't believe it at first until his manager confirmed the amount and he says the money couldn't have come at a better time. because you see from what he is doing right there, he is getting married next month. >> i would like to say thank you so much. it made my day, my life much
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better. >> it appears the mystery tipper has left more than $50,000 in tips at restaurant across the country. at the bottom of each receipt he signs the bill tips for jesus and posts a photo of that receipt on instagram. the north american arrow space demand is giving santa claus extra protection this season. the norad website will show two animated fighter jets escorting santa this year. it gives a more realistic feel to the popular program. but a cofounder of the campaign for a commercial free childhood says its out of line to link christmas with the military. u.s. and canadian defense forces have provided santa tracking information since 1955. time is 5:57. one bay area city protects red rage. how that same law could help others. the police search goes in
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milpitas for a woman that may have been kidnapped. i love watching tv outside.
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and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. we are live in walnut creek where it is freezing. just how cold is it?
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we'll let you know and tell you about the possibility of snow. >> early morning fire at a san jose mobile home park. the search tied to that fire that continues at this hour. we are live in milpitas where police have a mystery on their hands. a possible kidnapping of a woman at a bus stop. what we are learning about video that exists of the incident. plus a new health care website controversy. this one involves republicans in california. ktvu channel 2 morning news continues. and good morning. we want to give you a live look at walnut creek this morning. and it is cold there. our own tara moriarty is out there. says it is 29-degrees. she has seen some frost on windshields and that cold weather doesn't look like its going anywhere any time soon.


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